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Samantha Bowling, CPA, CFE, CGMA – 2024 Most Powerful Women in Accounting

Samantha Bowling, CPA, CFE, CGMA

2024 Most Powerful Women in Accounting
Managing Partner,


What is your favorite part of being a member of the accounting profession?

“My favorite part of being in the accounting profession is the ability to influence and drive change within the industry. As a managing partner, I have the unique opportunity to shape our firm’s practices towards more inclusive, technologically advanced, and innovative directions. The role allows me to mentor and support the next generation of accountants, ensuring they inherit a better, more equitable profession.”

How have you personally seen the roles of women evolve in the accounting profession?

“Throughout my career, I have witnessed a significant evolution in the roles of women in accounting. From initially struggling to find representation in leadership positions, women are now increasingly taking on pivotal roles at all levels, including partnerships and executive positions. At GWCPA, I have personally driven initiatives that support women’s advancement, embodying our commitment to diversity and empowerment.”

What do you anticipate will be the biggest change in the accounting profession in the next 10 years?

“The biggest change I anticipate in the accounting profession over the next decade is the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning in our daily practices. This technological shift will transform how we approach audits, financial analysis, and advisory services, making processes more efficient and freeing up valuable time for strategic thinking and client engagement. It will enable us to develop personal relatable relationships with our clients and team members.

What is your favorite professional mobile app, and why?

“Wow – Choosing just one seems impossible! Professionally I would say MileIQ, because it has transformed mileage tracking for myself and our clients, but I really love Amazon Shopping App and Photo App.  I used the shopping app to create folders for items to purchase for our new office move this year and was able to find everything we needed as well as used the photo app to capture and share pictures of our new office move journey and team events.  Amazon apps are user friendly and collaborative.

What are your favorite podcasts?

I like Ted Talks and here are a few favorites –

What books have you read recently that you would like to recommend?

  • Together is Better by Simon Sinek
  • Getting Naked by Patrick Lencioni
  • Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life by Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • The Rulebreaker: The Life and Times of Barbara Walters by Susan Page
  • Betty White, if you Ask Me (and of course you won’t)


Read more about the Most Powerful Women in Accounting.